Mark Vijn
zondag, 19 maart 2023
Ik heb mij aangemeld voor de Sycamore cursus. Ik bid dat de sessies gevuld mogen zijn van gezelligheid, vriendelijkheid en inspiratie.
Paulus Maria
zaterdag, 11 maart 2023
Ik bid voor de aanstaande "Sycamore" initiatief voor de verspreiding van het katholieke geloof onder de bewoners van onze stad. Nederlands en Engelstalige groepen zijn welkom.
Fr Rafael Ojeda
woensdag, 08 maart 2023
Che ad Natalia. Be sure of the prayers of many for your needs. May Jesus keep you in his mercy.
Natalia V.
zondag, 05 maart 2023
I pray for God to give me strength and patience. Please help me pay my student debt and release me from that heavy burden. Please help me start my family. We have been trying and waiting for a long time. All in your time.
Please keep my family that is distributed all around the world healthy and at peace.
Thank you.
Please keep my family that is distributed all around the world healthy and at peace.
Thank you.
zondag, 05 maart 2023
Thank you Dear Father for your goodness and mercy. All praises and glory goes to you! Please always guide and protect me and my daughters and my whole family. Lead us each day to your perfect will and purpose for us. I lift to you the processing of my business visa to The Netherlands for the planned visit on March 25 to 29. By your will, I will be able to participate in the workshops and also be able to work and have the chance to explore some parts of the country, and most of all, to be able to hear mass in Your house, at the Church of Our Lady, in Amsterdam, on 25 March, 1800 hrs. Thank you for your many blessings! All these I offer in prayer, in Jesus' name and with the Holy Spirit, through the intercession of Mary, Blessed Virgin and my mother. Amen and Amen.
Fr Rafael Ojeda
maandag, 27 februari 2023
Sai. Be sure the Lord is with you in this period of your family life. I hope you feel at home in our church community.
zondag, 19 februari 2023
I would like to raise upon you Lord our life struggles as new expats and parents, that you may shed your light to guide us. May your will always be done.
Rafael Ojeda
zaterdag, 18 februari 2023
Irina Elena, count on my prayers for that family. Fr Rafael
Irina Elena
vrijdag, 17 februari 2023
Mă rog ție sfinte Dumnezeu pentru sufletul Gabrielei care a trecut în Împărăția cerurilor, iarta-i păcatele și primește-o acolo la tine să își găsească liniștea și să se odihnească în pace. Ajută-i familia pe Cristina, Teo, Mihaela, Marius, Sorin, Cătălin, nepoții și restul familiei să găsească împăcare și tărie să meargă înainte. Amin!
Frankie Houston
donderdag, 16 februari 2023
For the health of my family and myself. For my fathers soul.