Support us

Support us

The Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk is a rectorate church, located at Keizersgracht 220, 1016 DZ Amsterdam.
The mailing address however, is Keizersgracht 218 B, 1016 DZ Amsterdam, because the church is owned by the Syrian Orthodox Church, and the chapel and meeting center by the Catholic community. 

We are happy that the cooperation between the communities is going well and we pay rent for the use of the church. We contribute with 25% to pay the maintenance costs of the building. For this purpose we depend on the donations and gifts of the churchgoers and people like you.

The bank account number of the church is: NL16 INGB 0000 0838 31, with the name of Stichting Onze Lieve Vrouwekerk, Amsterdam.

You can also use this link to donate.

Thanks in advance.


Rector Rafael de Ojeda.